6 Phases to Complete a Project From Start to Finish

Hi my name is Peter Jobst I’m your IT consultant thanks for watching our Channel and don’t forget to subscribe and like and leave your comments below. We always are looking for your comments to answer new questions that you have for us and today we have a good great topic that we’re talking about today and that is a successful project. This is for all business owners out there about what to do and how to successfully complete your projects that you have coming up. Whether they’re IT related or just building out your office, today we’re gonna be talking about the six phases to a successful project. Alright let’s get into it. These are the six phases to successful projects and you need to follow these phases every single time you do any kind of project. Whether it’s IT or business projects that you’re gonna do this is a good helpful tip for anybody that’s in a project so let’s get started with the first one the first one that you always want to do is discovery number one.
Discovery now a lot of people don’t start with discovery a lot of times people just start with development and they just start building. And this is kind of like when you were a kid and you had a model airplane that you got and you just open it up and start gluing the pieces together and then you look at the instructions and then you realize that you had to do something in the beginning right. So in our discovery this is a very important phase. It’s the number one thing that you’re gonna do and you’re gonna start in documenting everything. Going through any current documentation that already exists writing any documentation that needs to be written listing everything out about how the project is doing. So you’re gonna do the discovery on this of starting to put together your project management all your resources and and you’re gonna find out everything you need to know ahead of time on paper. Okay so start with discovery number two.
Number two is development. So development is you go into after what you have discovered. What you’re going to be doing you start to actually think about okay how am I going to build this and you want to build this in a small scale model. And you can do this on paper you can do this you can start to actually implement this in starting on a virtual machine or building something that you’re actually starting to do the development of it. And this is going to be the development stage right so you have developers there they’re making this in their development environments definitely not ready for production because it’s step number three.
And phase number three is testing. So you have your gonna develop and then you’re gonna start to test what you’re working on in development again. You’re going to when you’re in these phases right here a lot of times these phases go back and forth quite a bit so it goes here it comes back into development it goes back into testing. And in these times this is where you’re going to be making sure that everything is right. This is where you’re going to be developing you’re gonna be testing it you’re gonna be improving it you’re gonna be testing it you’re gonna be improving it you’re gonna be testing it until you think you have everything right then you want to be thinking okay it’s gone through our testing and everything seems to be happening with it. We’ve thought about all the things that we need to think about. We’ve broken in a few times, we fixed it a few times and now we’re thinking about let’s implement this thing.
Number four this should be a very smooth and short face if you have done your work in the first three phases. Implementation time should be a very short window in comparison because this is when you’ve already thought about all the thresholds that you have to hop over. You’ve already thought about all the obstacles that you’re going to need to deal with when you get there. And you’re going to implement this and it should be smooth. There shouldn’t be a lot of surprises here because when you’ve been going through your development you’ve been going through it so many times that you have virtually implemented it many times already. So that’s one of the keys is that you get good at kind of deploying things or implementing it before it goes into the real world when you come into your implementation you should be an expert at it you should be very good at it and it should be very simple a lot of times when we do deployments we’ve already done it three or four or five times and then we go to the implementation and it goes along just like we’ve done many times in the past so maybe it only takes two or three or four hours to do the implementation and really nothing too exciting should happen it should work as it was engineered to do but you’re not done yet you’ve implemented it’s now live in out on the internet what do you do next important number five in the phases called cleanup.
Cleanup is I implemented you know what I forgot about my team that’s over in India or I forgot about these other guys that needed something special or needed some sort of access and so you’re going through is a successful implementation but you’re going in and you’re maybe cleaning up some of the old instances that you don’t need anymore maybe you’re you’re locking everything down that some things that you had forgotten about you’re kind of putting on the final touches of everything and making sure that it’s 100 percent correct right number six.
Number six is follow-up this is important as consultants or as business owners this step is not really a technical step this step it was the follow-up is to make everybody understand that the project is actually completed and it was completed successfully and you want your stakeholders to agree with you that the project is complete and that was a success if you can get your clients to agree with you and verbally say that in the follow-up that this was a great this was a great project you guys did everything you needed to do you did everything you said you were gonna do we’re happy with it that means that the project is actually complete at that time and those are the six phases to successful projects you can follow these every single time you will find yourself going back through these don’t be worried about if you go through the phases a few times but do not do not ever skip a phase never go from discovery to just jump into development or I’m just gonna go straight into implants is gonna get this and I’m gonna start implementing that that’s that is a recipe for disaster because you will find all those broken things after you’ve implemented it that’s our six phases to successful projects thanks for watching don’t forget to smash that subscribe button leave us comments down below and we’ll catch you next time.

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